If you don't control your mind, someone else will…

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello, my name is Savannah. Please peruse my site to learn more about healing, meditation, events, manifesting all your desires and more! I wish all of you much Health, Peace, Joy, Love and Prosperity! ♥Bless your heart ♥


Stop the Insanity! Please Stop Raising Awareness to the Negative

Many people have read various law of attraction books such as The Secret, Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, Think and Grow Rich and 100s of others. Many people understand that what you think about and place your focus on attracts your future circumstances, good and bad. This concept has been proven with quantum physics.

Therefore, it does not make sense to support causes that raise awareness for illness and poverty. Instead we should raise awareness for health and prosperity. Stop walking, running and biking for illness. Stop marching or singing for poverty. Stop participating for causes you DO NOT want! Stop pouring buckets of ice water over your head. Unless of course you want the illness, poverty, etc.

(If people really understood what the ice bucket challenge was all about they would run very far away from it. Stop watching and stop participating in the ritual! There is a reason why someone jumped off a building and died after doing the ice bucket challenge…and that is all I will say about it for now.)

Celebrities get involves with charities for publicity and perks. Many people just get involved with charities so they can join a club or claim bragging rights to how many miles they walked to help others. They send out pictures, on Facebook and Twitter, of themselves doing good work. Many people have good intentions. I have participated in the past with good intentions. However, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I know better now.

Many celebrities have participated in charity fraud and hoaxes. Many of the dollars you donate go to both wealthy people who sit on the boards and celebrities who get paid salaries or perks for their endorsement.

To really make a difference, walk, march and sing for health, prosperity, peace and love. Send money to family members and friends who are suffering. If you are worried about not getting the tax deductions, then perhaps you should check your intentions.

What you send out to others returns to you like a boomerang. Give to others freely, and your future will improve. Never take any credit or talk about your charitable actions. Once you take credit for a good deed, you negate the positive outcome for yourself. Never talk about your charity work because it breaks the flow of return and good karma. Giving anonymously, when possible, is the best way to go. The more you give, the more you receive. It is the law of cause and effect. Give to your loved ones freely, and you are giving to yourself as well.

Our thoughts cause shifts and collective thoughts create thought forms that manifest in a greater way. This helps explain why we have more charities, and events for awareness, then ever before yet illness and disease are greater than ever. If raising awareness for something bad stopped it, we would be doing a lot better.

Now that you know, stop raising awareness for what you do not want. Stop the insanity!!!! Focus on what you want and expect the positive returns.

The problem with Tattoos, Body Piercing and Plastic Surgery

Toxins from tattoo ink could be absorbed into the body and cause cancer, scientists have revealed.

Experts believe ink nanoparticles could enter the bloodstream and accumulate in the spleen and kidneys, harming the body’s ability to filter impurities.

Studies have found that some ink used in the UK contains known carcinogens and scientists want more regulation of the dyes used by the industry.

Public Health England says that some inks contain substances such as cobalt and mercury.

Scientists want similar regulations on tattoo dyes that have been introduced on the smoking and sunbathing industries.

Desmond Tobin, director of Bradford University’s centre for skin sciences, told The Sunday Times that he was shocked to discover there was no regulation on inks.

He said: ‘We need to do more work, but there is no question that these substances can be toxic.’

About 20 per cent of British adults have a tattoo and last month Public Health England published new guidance on the industry.

It said: ‘Some inks are sold with little or no accompanying product data, and their composition may remain uncertain even at the point of use.’

The report found that red colors have been found to contain mercury, while greens and blues have been found to contain cobalt.

A study by Jorgen Serup, Copenhagen’s university hospital’s professor of dermatology, found carcinogenic chemicals in 13 of 21 commonly used European tattoo inks.

A study by Jorgen Serup, Copenhagen’s university hospital’s professor of dermatology, found carcinogenic chemicals in 13 of 21 commonly used European tattoo inks.

He told paper: ‘Millions of Europeans are now being tattooed with chemical substances of unknown origin.’

Professor Serup wants people to be given written information about the risks of tattoos and wants further research into the potential dangers.

Two years ago the U.S. Food and Drug Administration launched an investigation after research found inks contained potentially dangerous substances including metals and hyrocarbons that are known carcinogens.

One chemical commonly used to make black tattoo ink called benzo(a)pyrene is known to be a potent carcinogen that causes skin cancer in animal tests.

He told paper: ‘Millions of Europeans are now being tattooed with chemical substances of unknown origin.’

Professor Serup wants people to be given written information about the risks of tattoos and wants further research into the potential dangers.

Two years ago the U.S. Food and Drug Administration launched an investigation after research found inks contained potentially dangerous substances including metals and hyrocarbons that are known carcinogens.

One chemical commonly used to make black tattoo ink called benzo(a)pyrene is known to be a potent carcinogen that causes skin cancer in animal tests.

Tattoos also cause major problems to a person’s energy field. The same is true about body piercing and plastic surgery. To learn more, watch the below YouTube video. It also has more information about why men should not wear gold and what happens to men when they cut their hair.

source: Holographic-Disclosure

Wedding Rings Reduce Male Power and Develop Impotence

The Slavs used to wear wedding rings for not more than four hours a day not to lose the sexual power

A wedding ring, which many men constantly wear on the fourth finger, may initiate a variety of sexual disorders and eventually end up with partial or even complete impotence. A recent research work conducted by Belarussian scientists revealed that widespread beliefs of losing strong virility after many years of wearing the wedding ring on the ring finger are based on certain scientific reasons.

A well-known bio-therapist, healer Sergei Gagarin, commented on the latest scientific discovery to Pravda.Ru.

”Any educated person probably may remember the so-called right hand screw rule from the course of physics: when the electric conductor moves into a closed circuit, the self-induction EMF (electromotive force) with a certain vector occurs in it. Similarly, the nerves in human fingers can be compared to the conductor, while the wedding ring acts like a closed circuit.

”If a finger is placed in the ring circuit, the latter intensifies the flow of specific energy in the finger. Some people may probably know that the so-called kidney meridian passes the fourth finger. The energy flows to the Swadhishthana charka (Self or Own Abode) which supervises the urogenital system and the sexual sphere to a certain extent.

”If a man takes his wedding ring off periodically, the positive effect of the energy current on the sexual sphere manifests itself explicitly. However, if a man wears the ring all the time, the situation may change for the worse. Constant dropping wears away the stone, as they say.

”The Slavs used to wear wedding rings for not more than four hours a day. Their sexual powers were rather strong, which can be seen in ancient Slavic tales. Slavic families traditionally had a lot of children.

”I would like to emphasize at this point that it is a rather complicated problem – my explanation embraces only a small part of it. One may continue talking about the subject and dwell upon the qualities of metals – silver and gold – and which influence the metals have on human organisms. On the whole, one may come to the following conclusion: those who do not wear wedding rings 24/7 may have a lot fewer problems in their sex lives.”

source:  Sergei Gagarin, pravda.ru

The Adverse Consequences of being Ungrounded

Ungrounded Energy, A Widespread Issue

It used to be common knowledge in consciousness circles that a person needed to be grounded both energetically and physically.  People would talk about what foods helped them feel the most grounded, how spending time in nature helped them ground their meditative experiences and so on.  However, I have noticed a trend in the last few years where people are getting very ungrounded, and are even encouraging others to engage “spiritual” practices that are very ungrounding.

Two of the adverse consequences of being ungrounded are that it can cause a person to be too easily swayed by the opinions of others, as well as be fooled by any of the many deceptions in our world.   These are reason enough to put a consistent, daily focus on being fully present in your body and powerfully grounded to Earth’s core.  I could go on and on about the pitfalls and dangers of being spacey, ungrounded, partially out-of-body, etc but I will leave that aside in the interests of keeping this article short.

First, Get Into Your Body! 

Many people are chronically partially out of their body due to a variety of conditions, some of which include: unhealed past physical or emotional traumas, living out of contact with the earth (cities, apartments, etc), doing “out-of-body” meditations, excessive daydreaming, unwillingness to confront the darker aspects of the subconscious mind, excessive use of alcohol or other drugs, over-consumption of television and other forms of digital entertainment, too much “cleansing” / calorie-restrictive dieting, and more.

The “Higher Self Meditation” in the Self-Clearing System puts a focus on bringing your own Inner Light back down into your body because most people are literally floating above themselves energetically.  A repeated focus on seating your energy in your heart center helps you to be truly IN your body.  Keep in mind that the “Higher” Self is only deemed that because so much of our Sovereign Self is floating above the body instead of residing within it.

Being fully present in the body can take a while, depending on how habitually disconnected and ungrounded a person has been in their life.  Centering our energy in our heart center is the first, most basic step to restoring our full presence in the body, so that we can then get grounded.

Get Your Feet On the Ground

Even if you live in a dense urban environment, there will be parks and other places where some nature still exists.  Seek out those places and put your bare feet onto the grass, dirt, sand, etc.  While you’re there with your feet on the ground, do the simple grounding meditation below and walk around for a bit.

This one is so simple that many people totally overlook it, or they prefer to plug-in a “grounding pad” and call it a day.  I have nothing against grounding (aka “earthing”) devices, but they cannot replace the value of being barefoot on the ground.  Swimming in natural bodies of water, walking barefoot on the beach and hiking in natural settings are also good ways to directly, energetically connect to the earth.  If you are hiking in boots, stop often and touch a tree or plant with your bare hands.

Connect Your Heart to the Heart of the Planet

Through the process of energetically connecting our heart to the heart of the planet, we get deeply grounded in a very powerful, stable way.  To me, this is the most potent form of grounding, although it works best when used in conjunction with the above steps.  However, don’t let the fact that you are in a high-rise building, or that it is too cold outside to put your bare feet on the ground stop you from doing the simple process described below.  It can be done anywhere, even if you are flying in an airplane.

Before we get to the process, I want to mention the curving energy lines used here.  While it is more simple to visualize a straight line of energy, I have learned that curving lines of energy are more natural and more aligned with our foundational reality as Sovereign extensions of Source than straight lines of energy, which tend to be more mechanistic and synthetic.

Again, I could go on at length here, but I will keep it brief and use a picture to serve as a visual aide for this concept.


My Simple, Daily Grounding Focus. 

 Close your eyes and take some slow, deep breaths.  Center yourself in the present moment.

 Focus on your heart and visualize the energy of your Sovereign Inner Self growing large and bright.

 Send a beam of gently curving energy out of the left side of your chest that goes downward into the earth.

 Visualize this energy gently curving in a long elliptical arc, eventually connecting into the left side of Earth’s core.

 As you make this connection to Earth’s core, mentally (or out loud) say to the Earth, “Hello and thank you for supporting my human experience.”  (It can be anything with heartfelt gratitude.)

 Visualize another curving line of energy emanating from the right side of Earth’s core, gently curving up to eventually connect into the right side of your chest.

 Spend a few moments enjoying the feeling of connecting and synchronizing your heart center to the heart of the planet.

 State your intention to keep yourself fully, deeply grounded and connected into Earth’s core.

 Open your eyes and go on about the rest of your day in this deeply grounded state.

I highly recommend that you repeat this several times during the day whenever you have a spare moment.  It only takes a couple of minutes, and with practice over time you will be able to maintain this connection throughout your day.  Even if you are 20 stories up off the ground in an apartment or office building, you can still do this simple process.  In fact, it is even more important to do so in that type of environment than if you’re a woodland hobbit kind of person like me.

Grounding Physical Exercises

Ideally, when you are walking, standing or sitting barefoot on the grass (and after you have connected your heart center to the heart of the planet), you can do some physical exercise that will help you get more connected to your body.  Again though, if you can’t be in direct contact with the ground, you can still do some grounding physical exercise.  This can be just about anything that you like to do, provided that it does not make you feel “spacey” or too light-headed. 

If you are into yoga, do a combination of easy and mildly challenging movements, but omit any extended pranayama at first.  If you are not yoga, just do some planks,  push-ups, body weight squats, go hiking, or anything else you enjoy doing, making sure that you stay within your body’s limitations.  Pushing the body too hard while exercise can also be ungrounding, so if you feel your body asking for a rest, then rest!  🙂

A Grounding Diet

While I don’t think a “perfect diet for all humans” actually exists, I have found that incorporating organic root vegetables and organic greens into a calorie-dense diet can help with efforts to get fully into the body and be grounded.  The root vegetables are pretty self-explanatory, they grow underneath the ground, and they help pass along some of that groundedness to us when we eat them.

Greens are grounding due to their mineral content, but I must stress the importance of combining root vegetables and greens with calorie-dense foods.  Any type of caloric restriction can be very ungrounding for a person, even when the diet is high in micronutrients, so it is important to have both micronutrients density and caloric density in one’s diet.

This means eating things like rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes (hey, those are root vegetables, too!), wheat (preferably Spelt instead of “glutenized” American wheat), avocados, eggs, coconut oil, butter, other dairy products and (real) honey regularly.  It can even mean having some ice cream once in a while (yay!).  Organic is always preferable, but don’t stress out over having a perfect diet, as that stress is worse than eating non-organic food.

Also, put as much (natural) salt on your food as you want.  Salt could take up a whole article on its own, but the short version is that natural, minimally processed salt is good for you, so don’t restrict it. (Himalayan salt, Redmond “Real” salt, Celtic sea salt, etc.)

Just for clarity:  Please do NOT just eat root vegetables and greens, because you will not have enough caloric density to support a strong metabolism, and you will end up ungrounded, hungry and feeling cold all the time without sufficient calories.  For those of you who eat meat, try to get organic / grass-fed whenever possible.  Those of you who don’t eat meat will need to make sure you are getting plenty of calories from other sources, like nuts.

Awareness is the Key

The main key to being energetically present in your body and grounded is awareness and being conscious of how you feel as you move through life.  These are a few indicators that you are not fully present in your body and ungrounded:  Feeling spacey, difficulty focusing on one task, easily losing track of conversations when others are talking, misplacing your keys/phone/spouse/child/dog/etc, poor coordination, forgetting something that happened just moments ago, etc.

If you notice any of those things happening, or anything else specific to you that you know is an indication of being unpresent / ungrounded, get tuned into your Sovereign Self via your heart center and connect your heart to the planet’s heart via the simple process above.

If you can incorporate the physical grounding practices into your daily life as much as possible and do your energetic grounding work, you will notice many positive benefits including an increase in your capacity for holding and utilizing energy in your body.  This will allow you to do more intense types of energy-work without getting ungrounded in the process.

source: Cameron Day


Why Indians Keep Their Hair Long

Hair Is An Extension Of The Nervous System

Get Out of the Matrix!

My daughter passed on the following information and YouTube video (see link below) about becoming conscious and how waking up costs everything. Check it out:

You are the Battlefield, by zengardener.com


“There’s no looking for crowd validation. There’s no waiting for outside redemption. There’s no collective bargaining to rely on.

The awakening is you. Only you.

That’s what all this ruckus is about. The battle for your spirit and soul. And that’s the boat each of us is in. There is nothing more important in this life for you, or me, than waking up. Once that’s straightened out the rest will follow.

How we perceive the world around us creates and reinforces the world around us. Once we become conscious and aware that this existing matrix we’re witnessing is an arbitrary creation manipulated by power-crazed puppeteers, however you perceive them, that is when the change happens.

And the Universe will tell you what to do from there.

That’s what to respond to. Nothing else. That’s your job. That’s my job. Don’t shirk it when it happens.

Enjoy Your Earthly Suit, But Rediscover Who You Truly Are

Like me, you are sitting inside, or somewhat near anyway, the body you chose to be in. We’re looking through and freely operating these amazing biological machines on a fabulous planet. And, “Wow, there appears to be a whole lot of other beings like me walking around! Where am I? What am I here for? And what am I supposed to do?”

I know, jumped off the deep end there, but that’s exactly our predicament. And what immediately sets in once we arrive? As young children we have this abandon as we experience this incredible place and all its feelings, sights and sounds. We screech with delight, sing made up songs, swing our arms around wildly, and run in place. We just express!

Then what happens? We start to conform to what we’re seeing, as well as what we’re being told. We become more regimented and are herded into classrooms and categories. We start feeling social pressures and are then handed this fundamental doctrine of insecurity where fear and scarcity become our main drivers. Your purpose in life now is to “fit in and get a job” so you won’t run out of money or food. Your internal, conscious response? “This is strange. Everything’s a problem here. Sure didn’t feel that way when I arrived.”

The Illusory Attachment Trap

The main trick of the illusory world around us is to make us think we’re somehow attached to it, and therefore dependent, and that we need to conform to this world we’re viewing. We tend to judge by the standards we’re exposed to, and act accordingly. We base our lives and actions around these perceived behavior patterns, which in turn gradually dull the voice of conscious awareness.

You might have noticed how blind people, such as entertainers Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, gesticulate totally freely, rocking their heads while singing or talking, and have wildly free facial expressions, almost as if they’re handicapped.

Obviously they’re not. But it strikes you. They’re free from visual conformity. They don’t know how everyone else acts. They’re free to physically express their emotions without having to conform to the suppressed, fearful conformist nature of our hung up society. They don’t know you don’t rock back and forth, shake your head and smile so broad your face almost cracks. How liberating!

And that principle can be applied across the board.

We judge so much by how we think it will measure up to the world around us rather than just express what we’re thinking and feeling openly. Whether with close friends and family, our peer group, or the message we pick up in public or from the media, we’re being programmed. Programmed to not respond to obvious needs, but to strange, shallow self-serving impulses.

Just like everyone else.

You can say that’s just natural, but it’s not. It’s induced behavior from a manipulated and self-regulating created collective. Natural for the matrix, but not for a conscious human being, especially when the crowd is clearly going the wrong way. But who’s looking when you’re sleep walking.

The Cost of Vicarious Living and Beyond

In the end most humans end up living a vicarious life, acting out the projection they think they’re supposed to live up to. That’s bondage. The yardstick is acceptance rather than truth or conscience. This is heavily reinforced through education, the media and the existing paradigm they’ve succeeded in creating. It appears to be the only option out there…but only to the unawakened.

But there’s a price to pay.

Everything. Waking up costs everything. So what? What are you saving up for? Aren’t you paying that price anyway even if you’re not waking up? Life always costs everything. You’ll leave here eventually, like me, and the cost will be your life. How did you spend it? Consciously, or trying to conform, and using that to hide behind to justify living as a comfortable, selfish, lazy brain donor to the system you’re too afraid to buck?

That’s the battlefield. You. Me. It goes no further. What we see playing out in the world is a bunch of you’s and me’s deciding if they’ll live consciously and truly respond to that still, small voice within them, or not. The sad reality is almost every one of them has been duped into being fixated on what all the other “me’s” are doing in order to keep up with the projected reality. It’s like a school of fish feverishly clinging together in response to a perceived predator.

The only thing is, for conscious, spiritual reality there is no predator. That’s the secret. We are eternal consciousness having an experience. The way to solve these problems is to re-create the perceived reality through conscious awareness and conscious actions.

When You Get the Call, Take It!

We, individually, have to change first. We have to commit to consciousness, get free of entanglements and live a conscious life. The rest has little meaning until we get out of the matrix ourselves.

If each of us would get that message the phony world structure would crumble in a minute. Every soldier would drop his weapon and go home. Every politician would wake up as if out of a dream and go be with his family. Every policeman would lay down his gun, take off his uniform, and go help someone in need, smiling and greeting people on his way.

It’s you. It’s me. Your personal world and experience is the only one you’ll ever know. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Just let consciousness be your guide. But act on it.

And don’t fret too much about what it is you’re supposed to do. You’ll know it when you see it. It comes in the form of little things, little decisions, the rest follows. Learn to listen to that voice and act accordingly and it gets louder and louder.

Just walk away from what you know to be wrong, and do what you know to be right. It’s not that hard once you start. And again, once you get your boat in motion, the rudder will take effect.”

by Zen Gardner




What does it mean when a hawk comes to you?

Hawks keep showing up for me…in my front tree, driving in front of my car, flying above me, etc. And I keep having dreams of flying. So I searched for some meaning and found this information. Just thought I would share with my fellow bird lovers and animal totem enthusiasts.

Reedofgod Blog

What does it mean when a hawk comes to you?

I’ve had hawk fly right by my deck (very unusual) often these last weeks, and now a hawk has come and sat on my deck post and watched me take a picture of him; I was so excited thus the blur. I’m just happy I got this shot of him with my camera. He sat there quite awhile.

Humm! Not that everything that happens to me is significant but I thought, I wonder what it means to the indians or folklore people? So I asked the above question online and found these answers:

Best Answer – Chosen by Asker

“The hawk is a messenger bird. Usually when we see a hawk it means to pay attention because a message is coming to you. Hawks represent clear sightedness, being observant, our far memory and guardianship. They also bring courage, wisdom, illumination…

View original post 703 more words

Electro Magnetic Mitigation



I hope that you are already aware of the fact that the multitude of wireless devices in use today emit harmful radio and electro-magnetic frequencies.  If not, just Google “cell phone dangers” and start reading.  The more sensitive your body and nervous system is, the more you will feel the negative effects of cell phones, wireless routers, cordless phones, “smart” meters, etc in your home.  We all suffer from the transmissions of these devices, whether or not we notice their harmful side-effects.

The purpose of this short article is to inspire you to take action to reduce your exposure to these frequencies by sharing with you what I have done in my own home.

Elimination and Reduction

Technically, I started this process over 15 years ago by getting rid of my microwave oven.  I don’t even think about that any more, it’s just part of life for me now.

My more recent mitigation efforts began with turning off the wireless feature on my router.  This means that ALL computers in the home are connected directly to the router via Ethernet cables.  Any laptop usage is done with the laptop on a table or desk so that it is not directly on a lap, and the wireless on the laptop is disabled, of course.

Next, I removed all cordless phones and replaced them with corded phones.  It’s like the 80s all over again, but with better hair.  Seriously though, going back to land line phones reduced a huge amount of RF pollution in our home.  I know a lot of you reading this probably don’t even have a landline anymore and you rely totally on your cell phone.  I urge you to get a landline again with a corded phone and turn the cell phone OFF when you are at home.  (Yes, totally off…I promise it will be ok.)

I recommend using your cell phone as little as possible.  I have a cell phone that is always off unless I need to make a call while I am away from home.  This is the only usage that it receives.

Also, if you live in a place with a “smart” meter, move.  Seriously.  If that is not an option, look into ways to shield yourself from the (not so) smart meter.

Finally in the elimination process, I got rid of all compact fluorescent light bulbs and replaced them with standard incandescent bulbs.  CFLs produce much more dirty electricity than a standard bulb, they actually wear out faster in normal on and off usage, and pose a variety of health risks.  (LED bulbs are also a good option, as they do not produce much dirty electricity.)


The best thing I have done all year was to invest in “Microsurge Filters” for our home’s electrical outlets.  Yes, I know it’s only mid-February, but this has had a huge impact in our home.  These devices filter out high-frequency EM waves from the electrical wiring in the walls, drastically reducing levels of harmful EMF in a home.  This was a significant expense, but it was worth the cost.

When doing this type of mitigation, the first thing needed is a “Microsurge Meter” that plugs directly into an outlet and gives a reading of the “Graham-Stetzer Units” in the power line.  This is a measure of the magnitude of the voltage surge on the line.  Higher numbers on the meter are bad, lower numbers are good.

A “typical” high reading would be in the 500-600 GS unit range, and with proper filtration, it should be under 50, with 25 being the ideal level.  The readings in my home were 800-1100 depending on location in the house, and it took 25 filters to get readings on all sockets down in the 25-40 range.  My office alone took five filters to mitigate, and the bedroom required four.

Thanks to these filters, we went from a very bad EMF environment to a very clean one.  Now our home in the woods really feels like it is in the woods!  It feels like being in a remote location where there is no electric power at all.

My wife and I both noticed the effect right away, and I can assure you that it was not a placebo.  I honestly didn’t expect to feel a tangible effect at all, but these filters made a huge difference.  The best analogy I can give is that it was kind of like the sense of relief that one feels when a noisy refrigerator stops running, except that it was EMF based, not sound based.

I purchased “Greenwave Filters” along with the Stetzerizer Microsurge Meter.  I talked with the owner of the store before the purchase and he was very helpful in answering my questions as well as resolving a shipping glitch with his supplier after my purchase.  I interacted with him as a normal customer, and I didn’t tell him that I might send a bunch of business his way if I was happy with the products, so I can honestly say that his level of customer care was excellent.  I negotiated a lower price by buying the filters in bulk, and he was very helpful throughout the whole process, but I didn’t receive any special treatment.

The Greenwave filters are a fairly recent design, marketed as being more effective than the Stetzerizer filters, which I tested myself comparing both filters in one plug, and the Greenwave filter gave a slightly lower reading on the Stetzer Meter than the Stetzer filter did.  The GW filters also have a pass-through plug in the bottom of them so that you do not lose a plug to the filter, unlike Stetzer filters.

More Mitigation

I also have a grounding mat for use at my computer desk.  I honestly do not notice a difference from the grounding mat, but I think it is worthwhile since my computer and monitor are generating EMF fields.

That is where my mitigation process stands as of now, although I will also be replacing all dimmer switches in the house with regular switches, as dimmers generate a LOT of dirty electricity, even if the dimmer is set to maximum.  I verified this with my own testing on an outlet controlled by a dimmer switch. 

There are many more mitigation products out there that can be purchased and attached to a cell phone, cordless phone, router, etc.  I cannot speak for the efficacy of any of those products, but even if you do use them I urge you to follow the simple plan laid out in the “Elimination and Reduction” section above so that you are using the least amount of wireless devices possible. 

Feel free to comment below with the names of any mitigation devices that you have found effective.  Please avoid posting a URL, as that will get hung up in moderation until someone can get to it.

Much Love,
Cameron Day

The Science of Kissing


My best kiss happened the first time my husband kissed me. It was over 30 years ago but I remember it like it happened yesterday. It had such a big impact on me and I remember thinking at the time that he would be my husband some day. Isn’t it strange that the exchange of saliva can feel so pleasant and desirable?

Opinions among scholars differ as to the function and origins of kissing. One hypothesis is that the kiss has evolved as a mechanism for gathering information about potential sexual partners. A kiss brings us into close physical proximity with the other, close enough to smell and taste them. The face area is rich with glands secreting chemicals that carry genetic and immunological information. Our saliva carries hormonal messages. A person’s breath, as well as the taste of their lips and the feel of their teeth, signals things about their health and hygiene, and thus their procreative suitability.

Research also suggests that the kiss serves as other functions such as expressing and reinforcing feelings of trust and intimacy which can lead to intercourse, meaning it’s a prelude to reproduction. It is a universal language and almost every culture in the world does it.

An additional line of thinking has focused on the kiss as a means of seduction and sexual stimulation. Women’s lips resemble the labia. The practice of women around the world of coloring their lips red—a color linked to sexual arousal–suggests the role the lips play in seduction. Research has suggested that men prefer wetter kisses, with more involvement of the tongue than do women.

The tongue, it is difficult to deny, is a phallic organ. The combination of a moist open mouth and a penetrating tongue simulate intercourse quite distinctly, and give easy rise to sexual imagining and, perhaps, sexual excitement. In addition, some researchers speculate that the male preference for wet kisses is related to the fact that male saliva contains testosterone, a hormone linked to sexual arousal in both genders. A wet kiss may deposit testosterone into the woman’s mouth, thereby acting to increase her sexual arousal.

Women rank kissing as being more important in all kinds of romantic relationships than men do. Studies show that women consider the smell, taste and experience of kissing to help them decide if they want the kissing to lead to sex. Men tend to expect sex after kissing, although they are more willing than women to have intercourse without kissing.

The role of kissing in improving the quality of long-term relationships was examined several years ago by the family communications scholar Kory Floyd and his colleagues at Arizona State University. The researchers randomly assigned fifty-two participants (all involved in long-term relationships) into one of two groups and instructed the members of the experimental group to kiss more frequently with their partners for a period of six weeks.

Blood tests and questionnaire data collected before and after showed that members of the experimental group experienced decreased cholesterol, decreased stress, and improved quality of relationship. Similarly, researcher Wendy Hill of Lafayette College in Pennsylvania found a few years ago that kissing for fifteen minutes led to a significant decline in the level of stress hormone cortisol in participants.

In conclusion, kissing appears to have two main uses: in short-term relationship, the kiss is more sexual, and serves as a tool for selecting and seducing suitable sexual partners; in long-term relationships, the kiss is an expression of psychological closeness, and a means of preserving and enhancing feelings of intimacy in the relationship.

Despite the differences in attitudes towards it, kissing, it seems, benefits both genders. Generally, couples that kiss more frequently report improved and more satisfying relationships.

“Kisses are a better fate than wisdom,” wrote the poet e. e. Cummings.

So if you’re feeling stressed, perhaps go find someone to kiss for about 15 minutes…<3


kissing kiss slowly

kissing quote1

kissing quote

source: Western Journal of Communications 2009


Beautiful video: Dolphin stampede and Whales

As some of you know, I am very fond of dolphins. I have felt very connected to their energy for some time now. My connection became even more powerful after an energy healing session with Linda Shay who connects people with the healing frequencies of dolphins. (http://healingwithsavannah.com/2012/08/12/free-dolphin-healing-sessions/)

I love reading about these animals and thought I would share some information my daughter emailed me.

Here are thousands of dolphins stampeding off Dana Point, California, three whales migrating near San Clemente, plus a newborn Humpback whale calf snuggling with its mom:


A quadcopter drone was used to capture this amazing video. If you watch all five minutes, you’ll see thousands of common dolphins stampeding off Dana Point, California, three gray whales migrating together down the coast off San Clemente, California, plus, toward the end, close-ups from Maui of a newborn Humpback whale calf snuggling and playing with its mom, as an escort whale stands guard nearby.

Captain Dave Anderson of Capt. Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari in Dana Point, California filmed and edited the video. He used a small inflatable boat, from which he launched and caught the drone by hand. A miss could have meant injury to him from the four propeller blades, or loss of the drone. In fact, he lost one drone on takeoff when it nicked his small VHF radio antenna and went into the water. Although he was alone and six miles offshore, Anderson says, he went into the water after it, without thinking, to retrieve the valuable footage taken on a flight half an hour earlier that morning. He wrote:

I had my hat and glasses on, I was fully clothed with long-johns on to keep warm and my cell phone and wallet in my pocket. It was a stupid move, but the copter started sinking so fast it was my only hope to get the amazing footage I had just shot.

We appreciate it, Captain Dave. It’s a wonderful video.

Bottom line: Video showing thousands of common dolphins stampeding off Dana Point, California, three gray whales migrating together down the coast off San Clemente, California, plus a newborn Humpback whale calf snuggling and playing with its mom near Maui.


India Declares Dolphins To Be “Non-Human Persons”, Dolphin Shows Banned


India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests has decided to forbid the keeping of captive dolphins for public entertainment anywhere in the country.

In a policy statement released Friday, the ministry advised state governments to reject any proposal to establish a dolphinarium “by any person / persons, organizations, government agencies, private or public enterprises that involves import, capture of cetacean species to establish for commercial entertainment, private or public exhibition and interaction purposes whatsoever.”


“Whereas cetaceans in general are highly intelligent and sensitive, and various scientists who have researched dolphin behavior have suggested that the unusually high intelligence; as compared to other animals means that dolphins should be seen as ‘non-human persons’ and as such should have their own specific rights and is morally unacceptable to keep them captive for entertainment purpose,” the ministry said.

I was surprised to read about this the other night, since it happened back in May and somehow escaped worldwide attention and the 24 hour media hoopla. The effort to re-categorize Cetaceans (dolphins, whales, porpoises) as non-human persons has been gathering steam since a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2011 where a group of philosophers, conservationists, and animal behaviorists attempted to gather wide support for a Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans from the scientific community.

The Declaration:

1. Every individual cetacean has the right to life.
2. No cetacean should be held in captivity or servitude; be subject to cruel treatment; or be removed from their natural environment.
3. All cetaceans have the right to freedom of movement and residence within their natural environment.
4. No cetacean is the property of any State, corporation, human group or individual.
5. Cetaceans have the right to the protection of their natural environment.
6. Cetaceans have the right not to be subject to the disruption of their cultures.
7. The rights, freedoms and norms set forth in this Declaration should be protected under international and domestic law.

And what does it mean to say an animal has “rights”?

“Unlike[…] positive rights, such as the ‘right’ to education or health care, the animal right is, at bottom, a right to be left alone. It does not call for government to tax us in order to provide animals with food, shelter, and veterinary care. It only requires us to stop killing them and making them suffer.”

Seems reasonable enough. Considering dolphin intelligence has been long been established, this declaration doesn’t seem to be a particularly radical move. They exhibit self-awareness, use tools, cooperate to solve tasks, and very recently it was found that they possibly communicate to each other using individual names. The major real world implications of declaring them non-human persons would be the closing of dolphin and orca shows at marine parks, setting them free from aquariums and zoos, and a prohibition against kills, such as the one documented in Academy Award winning movie The Cove.

